On Tue, 1 Jul 2003, Hill, Ronald wrote:

> >
> > You can do "./Build dist".  The latest Module::Build beta
> > (0.18_02) also
> I tried this. Here is the result.
> Creating DateTime-TimeZone-0.21.tar.gz
> Can't locate object method "create_archive" via package "Archive::Tar" at
> F:\pe
> ild/Base.pm line 1323.
> I then checked the Docs for Archive-Tar and found this:
> Although rich in features, it is known to not work on Win32 platforms.
> On those platforms, Archive::Tar will silently and transparently fall
> back to Archive::Tar::Win32. Please refer to that manpage if you are on
> a Win32 platform.

Hmm, the recent releases of Archive::Tar are totally rewritten in Perl,
primarily in order to work consistently across all platforms.  What
version do you have?

> OK, great, I guess I need to fill out another bug report?

No, I'll tell Ken.  I think M::B just needs to depend on Archive::Tar

> > includes a "./Build ppd" action to auto-generate a ppd file,
> > which may be useful.
> F:\perl_modules\DateTime-TimeZone-0.21>perl build ppd
> Cannot create a PPD file unless codebase argument is given
> I checked the docs for Module-Build and found no reference
> to the ppd function. So I have no idea what it wants.

This would be in the Build.PL file in the call to Module::Build->new()

I'm the one who wrote most of the code in Module::Build::PPMMaker, and
honestly I have no idea how correct it is.  I couldn't find much good
documentation of PPM/PPD stuff.

> > However, in theory, a non-XS module that uses Module::Build
> > should install on Windows just fine, without any need for
> > external tools, no compiler, no nmake.
> As of now I am unable to generate a ppm file for DateTime-TimeZone
> for perl version 5.8.0

I didn't say that would work ;)  I just said it should install without
needing a compiler or nmake, via the CPAN shell or from the command line.


House Absolute Consulting

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