On Fri, 1 Aug 2003, Joshua Hoblitt wrote:

> > [1] Why UTC? Wouldn't Europe/Stockholm be more appropriate?
> I committed this change to CVS but I think it may have uncovered some
> sort of weird bug in DT::TZ.  Could you run the tests from the CVS
> version and let me know if they hang?

I take it back, there's no bug.  It's just that it has to generate _all_
the time zone changes up to the year 9999!!

That's going to take a while.  I'd recommend using a year a little closer
to our own.  DT::TZ ships with the changes pre-generated 30 years out, so
dates in that range are quick.  Dates within a couple hundred years out
aren't too bad either, but thousands of years ahead will be slow.

I should probably document this somewhere more obvious.


House Absolute Consulting

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