On Sat, 2 Aug 2003, Joshua Hoblitt wrote:

> > > I take it back.  I thought we'd have now() and hires_now().  I think
> > > having nanosecond at 0 makes sense to most people.
> >
> > We have an awful lot of constructors already.  Maybe we should put this into 
> > another package?
> The more I think about this the more I like it.  We'll only have to
> commit the fractional seconds fix to DateTime.pm.  I'd suggest
> DateTime::HiRes.pm to be included with the DT distribution.  The down
> side is this functionality wouldn't be available to decorators unless
> DateTime::HiRes was a subclass of DT.

What would DateTime::HiRes offer besides a hires_now() method?


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