On 8/4/03 12:26 AM, Dave Rolsky wrote:
>> # "..." includes args: year, month, day, hour, minute, second
>> DateTime->new(...): 16 wallclock secs @ 687.29/s
>>    (14.48 usr +  0.07 sys = 14.55 CPU)
> This does a lot of work, including calculating both UTC & local times,
> which involves calculating leap seconds, etc.

Does it need to do that?  I mean, sure, eventually it might have to do that
if I want to do some sort of date manipulation, or even just fetch or print
the date.  But does it have to really do anything at all during object
construction other than stash the args somewhere?

>> DateTime->now(): 21 wallclock secs @ 547.95/s
>>    (18.13 usr +  0.12 sys = 18.25 CPU)
> Ditto.

I'm assuming now() is slower than new() due to the system call overhead of
getting the current time...?

>> Total Elapsed Time = 19.91729 Seconds
>>    User+System Time = 14.60729 Seconds
>> Exclusive Times
>> %Time ExclSec CumulS #Calls sec/call Csec/c  Name
>>   27.6   4.035  4.685  20274   0.0002 0.0002  Params::Validate::_validate
>>   24.0   3.510 17.549  10000   0.0004 0.0018  DateTime::new
>>   18.9   2.770  3.809  10001   0.0003 0.0004
>> DateTime::Locale::_load_class_from_id
> This seems quite odd.  It really doesn't do much.
>>   8.96   1.309  2.647  10020   0.0001 0.0003  DateTime::TimeZone::BEGIN
> And this is completely mystifying.  Can you show us your code?

Sure, here it is:

for(1 .. 10000)
  my $d = DateTime->new(year => 200, month => 1, day => 1, hour => 2, minute
=> 3, second => 4);

Those stats were produced on a G3/400 running a development release of OS X
that uses some build of Perl 5.8.1, which could explain some oddness.  Here
is the same code run on a G4/800 using Perl 5.8.0 on the latest released
version of OS X 10.2:

Total Elapsed Time = 8.817281 Seconds
  User+System Time = 5.352659 Seconds
Exclusive Times
%Time ExclSec CumulS #Calls sec/call Csec/c  Name
 60.4   3.236 10.844  10000   0.0003 0.0011  DateTime::new
 44.7   2.395  3.305  10001   0.0002 0.0003
 43.3   2.318  2.127  20274   0.0001 0.0001  Params::Validate::_validate
 22.5   1.207  1.095  10001   0.0001 0.0001  DateTime::Locale::Base::new
 18.4   0.987  1.223  10020   0.0001 0.0001  DateTime::TimeZone::BEGIN
 17.5   0.939  0.465  50000   0.0000 0.0000  DateTime::__ANON__
 15.2   0.818  0.645  10002   0.0001 0.0001
 12.8   0.687  1.025  10002   0.0001 0.0001  DateTime::_calc_local_rd
 10.6   0.568  0.525  10002   0.0001 0.0001  DateTime::_calc_utc_rd
 8.20   0.439  0.225  10002   0.0000 0.0000  DateTime::_normalize_seconds
 7.83   0.419  0.275  10000   0.0000 0.0000  DateTime::_last_day_of_month
 7.47   0.400  0.115  30006   0.0000 0.0000
 7.27   0.389  3.505  10001   0.0000 0.0004  DateTime::Locale::load
 5.79   0.310  0.214  10006   0.0000 0.0000
 4.86   0.260  0.070  20004   0.0000 0.0000

Maybe that looks more sane to you?
>> So, what does everyone else think of the object creation performance
>> situation?  Is it simply "good enough" to be "3x faster that
>> Date::Manip::ParseDate()"?  Are there any obvious areas that I should
>> consider before I start mucking around with DateTime::new()?
> Considering that up til now my concern has been primarily on getting
> things correct, I wouldn't worry about it.  There are definitely some big
> performance improvements possible.  One possibility is to move the leap
> second bits into the DateTime XS code, which should help a lot.  The
> timezone stuff can also benefit from being rewritten as XS, but that won't
> help the particular cases you benchmarked, since the UTC and floating time
> zones are quite fast already.

What about what I mentioned earlier: lazy (or "lazier") evaluation in the
constructor?  Basically, I want construction with known values to be as fast
as possible since there's a chance I may not even look at the date fields of
my objects.  But it's a hassle to have special-case code that either doesn't
fetch or doesn't set the date fields of my objects, just so I can avoid the
relatively expansive calls to DateTime->new()


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