Matthew McGillis wrote:

I have taken a look at the DateTime-Format-MySQL and it can produce the formats required however with out being able to get the format through a call as described above it will never work with Class::DBI.

Here's what I use in a similar the base class for my DB, the one that inherits directly from Class::DBI, I have the following:


sub _register_dates {
 my $class = shift;
 $class = ref $class if ref $class;
 foreach my $column (@_) {
     $column => 'DateTime',
     inflate => \&_date_inflate,
     deflate => \&_date_deflate,

sub _date_inflate { DateTime::Format::MySQL->parse_datetime (shift) }
sub _date_deflate { DateTime::Format::MySQL->format_datetime(shift) }


Then, in any table-specific classes involving MySQL datetime fields, I register the datetime columns thusly:

__PACKAGE__->_register_dates(qw(date_col1 date_col2 date_col3));

Seems to work well so far.


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