On Wed, 24 Sep 2003, Flavio S. Glock wrote:

> Steven J. Weinberger wrote:
> >
> > I'm trying to use DateTime::Event::Sunset in my DateTime::Calendar::Hebrew module, 
> > but I'm having a problem. Below is my test code. The
> > results from the code are:
> >
> > 2003-09-24T10:42:00
> > 2003-09-24T22:48:00
> >
> > Sunrise wasn't at 10:42 and the sun will set well before 22:48. Is there something 
> > I'm doing wrong?
> I think these results are in UTC time.

Hmm, this should probably be changed so that the returned object has the
same time_zone as was passed to next().  I think this change would go in


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