Dave Rolsky wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Sep 2003, Flavio S. Glock wrote:
> > my $sunrise = DateTime::Event::Sunrise->sunrise (
> >      longitude =>'-73.59',
> >      latitude =>'40.38',
> >      altitude => '-0.833',
> >      iteration => '1'
> > )->set_time_zone( 'America/New_York' );
> I really don't think we should make users do this if we can avoid.
> > my $rise = $sunrise->next($dt);
> > print $rise->datetime, " ", $rise->time_zone_long_name, "\n";
> This should probably set the returned datetime to the same timezone as the
> given datetime.

How about this?

 sub _following_sunrise {
    [ ... initialize ...]
    my $tz = $dt->time_zone;
    my $loc = $dt->locale;
    [ ... some calculations ... ]
    $tmp_rise->set_time_zone( $tz );   # unless $tz->is_floating ???
    $tmp_rise->set_locale( $loc );
    return $tmp_rise;

- Flavio S. Glock

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