On Fri, 14 May 2004, Danny Rathjens wrote:

> ok, I was confused into thinking this was possible by my $dur = 
> $now->delta_days($past)
> in my first example, which results in 61 days due to a two month difference.
> I realize now that DT::delta_days means something different than 
> DT::Duration::delta_days
> since DT::delta_days knows whether it is a leap year but a DT::Duration object 
> doesn't.
> Perhaps if you could anchor one end of the duration you would be able to convert all 
> of
> the components of a duration into a single unit; ah I guess that is what DT::Span is 
> for.

Actually, you can do that with DT::F::Duration.


House Absolute Consulting

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