This works fine, actually:

  use DateTime::Set;

  print $DateTime::Set::VERSION, "\n";

  $months = DateTime::Set->from_recurrence( 
      recurrence => sub { 
          return $_[0]->truncate( 
               to => 'month' )->add( months => 1 ) 

  print $months->next( DateTime->now )->datetime, "\n";
  print $months->previous( DateTime->now )->datetime,

  # 0.16
  # 2004-07-01T00:00:00
  # 2004-06-01T00:00:00

If your recurrence specification is well-behaved,
(don't use internals, etc) you don't have to test
for infinite-ness.

You only have to use
" return $_[0] if $_[0]->is_infinite; "
if your code can't handle DateTime::Infinite.

So my vote goes for not changing the parameters...

- Flavio S. Glock

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