> On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> On Mon, 28 Feb 2005, John Siracusa wrote:
> >>
> >>> Can't you just nuke the giant DT:TZ ref before
> > freezing and have it
> >>> auto-re-vivify when first used after it's thawed?
> > IOW, save the TZ string
> >>> ("floating", "local", "America/Chicago") and then
> > re-grab a ref to the
> >>> DT::TZ singleton as needed.  That way, you don't
> > have to freeze the DT::TZ
> >>> at all.
> >>
> >> Oh yeah.  That's what it already does ;)
> >
> > It should do that, but there seems to be
something wrong:
> >
> > $dt = DateTime->today;
> > $dt->set_time_zone( "America/Chicago" );
> > print $dt->STORABLE_freeze, "\n" '
> >
> >

> Note that this was added in DT::TZ 0.26.  DT.pm
itself didn't have to be 
> changed, IIRC.

I'm sorry - I just installed a new DT::TZ from CPAN
and I'm still getting stringified references instead
of names.

- Flavio S. Glock

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