Nicholas Clark wrote:
On Wed, Jul 06, 2005 at 12:20:50AM -0400, Ronald J Kimball wrote:

Fortunately, you don't really need to convert your dates into time values,
just so you can convert them back into dates.  Some modules which may be
more useful in this case include Date::Manip, Date::Calc, and POSIX (for

I believe that the DateTime family of modules might be of most use here.
They aren't constrained by underlying localtime implementations.

DateTime is on CPAN, details on the DateTime project are at

Nicholas Clark

I moved this thread over from perl.perl5.porters (in case anyone wants to follow it back to the original post) But basically my needs come down to being able to parse arbitrary dates.

DateTime::Format::HTTP (aka HTTP::Date) for obvious reasons, barfs on certain well-known date formats used by humans, so is not an adequate substitute for Date::Parse.

I'm sort of surprised that there is no equivalent DateTime-using module that would mirror the capabilities of Date::Parse. Dave, Have you talked with Graham Barr at all about merging the arbitrary-date-parsing capabilities (of Date::Parse) into the DateTime family tree?

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