On Thu, 2 Nov 2006, Matthew wrote:

I tried to do so. The problem is that the date's are stored in the users local timezone and we only store the offset from GMT. (ex: -6 or 7)

Well, there's your problem right there. You realy can't do this and expect it to work, as you're finding out. You need to store the user's timezone, not their current offset. If you know all your users are in the US you might be able to come up with some hacks to deal with DST, but otherwise you really need to let DT::TimeZone do this for you (or MySQL, or something).

Is there some array or table I can use to convert '-6' to something DateTime:: can use?

No, there's no way to go from offset to time zone. Again, if your users are all in the US, _and_ no one's in a "weird" zone (like Indiana, parts of Arizona, etc) then you can probably convert it back.


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