Zefram wrote:
> Matthew wrote:
>>      Hehe. I'm the DBA. And I've updated everything to most recent stuff,
>>but the boss man wants "generic time zones" in our list "just in case" a
>>customer can't find his or doesn't realize his city is listed differently.
> Unlikely to ever occur.  As far as anyone knows, the Olson zoneinfo
> database contains all currently-distinct timezones.  (It explicitly aims
> to include all timezones that have been distinct at any time since 1970.)
> You might want to play with the tzselect(8) program, which guides one
> through selecting a geographical timezone from the database.

I don't think you read all the way to the end of Matthew's paragraph.

But FWIW, the Olson etcetera file has this to say:
# These entries are mostly present for historical reasons, so that
# people in areas not otherwise covered by the tz files could "zic -l"
# to a time zone that was right for their area.  These days, the
# tz files cover almost all the inhabited world, and the only practical
# need now for the entries that are not on UTC are for ships at sea
# that cannot use POSIX TZ settings.

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