I've been working on a membership system, letting users select their timezone when the signup.

I'm a bit confused as how to generate the timezone selection box. I've tried the routines:-

   use DateTime::TimeZone;
   my @array = DateTime::TimeZone->all_names;
   print "@array\n\n";
   @array = DateTime::TimeZone->categories;
   print "@array\n\n";
   my %hash = DateTime::TimeZone->links;
   foreach my $key (keys %hash) {
       print "$key = $hash{$key}\n";

But 'all_names' and 'links' both return a lot of options, 'categories' doesn't return enough.

Is there something similar to the time zone selection you get in Windows or similar programs? The GMT, GMT+1, etc...

Right now I think I must be missing something and I can't see how to get what I need...

Help much appreciated.


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