Andrew O'Brien wrote:
>Can anyone explain why parse_duration() gives me 11 days, 8044 minutes plus 
>change? (that's around 5.5 extra days) ?

8044 minutes is 134 hours plus 4 minutes.  You also got 5 seconds instead
of the expected 45.  So altogether you got 11:0134:4:5 rather than the
expected 11:01:34:45.  The digits are being misallocated.  This happens
because you didn't say how many digits the hours, minutes, and seconds
should have, so they're allowed one or more by default, and the first
of them (hours) greedily takes as many digits as it can get away with.
The parsing is done by a regexp underneath, and the regexp is something
like /(\d{8})(\d+)(\d+)(\d+)\.(\d+):000/.  It all works if you give
everything explicit field widths, "%8e%2H%2M%2S.%9N:000".


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