Hi Zefram,

> From: Zefram [mailto:zef...@fysh.org]
> Andrew O'Brien wrote:
> >Can anyone explain why parse_duration() gives me 11 days, 8044 minutes
> plus change? (that's around 5.5 extra days) ?
> 8044 minutes is 134 hours plus 4 minutes.  You also got 5 seconds
> instead
> of the expected 45.  So altogether you got 11:0134:4:5 rather than the
> expected 11:01:34:45.  The digits are being misallocated.  This happens
> because you didn't say how many digits the hours, minutes, and seconds
> should have, so they're allowed one or more by default, and the first
> of them (hours) greedily takes as many digits as it can get away with.
> The parsing is done by a regexp underneath, and the regexp is something
> like /(\d{8})(\d+)(\d+)(\d+)\.(\d+):000/.  It all works if you give
> everything explicit field widths, "%8e%2H%2M%2S.%9N:000".

Thanks for this explanation - it makes complete sense and in hindsight is 
completely obvious. To explain my confusion I did assume a little more DWIM 
given the following from the perldoc:

<--- begin --->
       This module uses a similar set of patterns to strftime. These patterns 
have been kept as close as possible to the original time-based patterns.
%H           The number of hours zero-padded to two digits.
Precision can be changed for any and all the above values. For all but 
nanoseconds (%N), the precision is the zero-padding.
<--- end --->

So my assumption was that the default precision for %H would be 2 if not 

Of course, as has been pointed out, this only applies to output but its not 
explicitly stated that it doesn't apply to input scanning.

Worth a doc patch or is it just me that finds this slightly confusing?



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