
I will have a more detailed look at this! I assumed that the Ti
DVserialboot was essentially providing the second level boot loader. If
this is not the case it would explain a lot.



Thu, 2007-03-08 at 11:16 +0100, Peter Wippich wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
> you can not load u-boot directly through uart because the uart load goes 
> to internal ram which simply isn't big enough. You need a second level 
> boot loader which fits in internal ram and than loads u-boot to external 
> ram. Rudy has provided such a beast here (check the archives, about last 
> August). 
> Further, you neeed to compile u-boot without low level initialization 
> (already done by second level boot loader) and without relocation from 
> flash to ram (it is alreday loded to ram....). You can do this in the 
> config file (davinci.h) he following does the trick for me: 
> /* for Ram load version do not do low level init and do not relocate */
> /* #define CONFIG_SKIP_RELOCATE_UBOOT not needed, tested by boot code */ 
> I use a newer version of u-boot here (1.1.6), but this should also work 
> for the older version. When I find the time to clean up my code I'll send 
> a patch for some actual u-boot for davinci here. Maybe within the next two 
> weeks. 
> Ciao, 
> Peter 
> On Thu, 8 Mar 2007, Andrew Armstrong wrote:
> > Hi Guys,
> > 
> > Have any of you managed to compile and get running U-BOOT via the source
> > available on the Ti website? (u-boot-1.1.3_rel_00.05.04-tisb.tar.gz)
> > 
> > As far as I am aware I have correctly configured and made the project
> > (for default NOR), however the uboot.bin file generated, once uploaded
> > via dvserialboot, appears just the brick the EVM. 
> > 
> > I have compared the file to the old supplied .bin files and they are of
> > similar size and structure.
> > 
> > Any ideas?
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Andrew
> > 
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