Yusuf Caglar AKYUZ wrote:
> Troy Kisky wrote:
>> Use the sram(iram) to avoid underrun on audio.
>> I will clean this up after someone says it
>> works for them.
> Hi,
> First of all, thanks for looking into this. This patch 
> makes audio usable again for me on 2.6.30 kernel and 
> overruns are gone.
> What I want to ask is, there is constant noise on the 
> output on data rates higher than 8000 khz. Anything 
> playing with a higher rate generates random artifacts 
> on the output. I have no idea where to look or how to
> test further. Do you have any pointers?
> Thanks,
> Caglar
I don't have any suggestions. But if you post the codec
and processor that you're using, maybe someone can verify
that they see the same thing. Also, if you make a recording
of the real output, and what your trying to play available,
I'll take a listen to it. Could you tell if these artifacts
were present before this patch?


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