Ben Gardiner wrote:
On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 10:20 AM, Vladimir Pantelic
<>  wrote:
 Ben Gardiner wrote:

 We noticed in the recent post by Sudhakar that it is somehow
 'supported' to handle DMA events on the DSP side. This makes a lot of
 sense in retrospect and it spurs us to reconsider whether we can or
 cannot access HW in general from the DSP side.

 Are you really really sure you need to have that?

So I guess you agree with our current standing that all HW access
should be on the linux side then?

no, but it much easier to do in on the side where all the infrastructure
exists for it. I you must do it on the DSP, then do it, just think hard
whether you really need that.

 So, the SPI data ends up in linux user space anyway. So are you really
 sure you cannot achieve your latencies with linux only?

That's a good question. It is a bit of a hypothetical situation so I
can't say for sure in this case. I guess what I'm trying to get across
is that we would prefer to not write linux driver code since having
alot of custom Linux driver code has burned us in the past. We would
prefer to use existing code bases and drivers and work to make those
existing drivers stable with patches (that we post back upstream).

err, but aren't linux spi drivers "existing" and/or "stable"?

This 'proxy driver' would be one that grabs the platform resources and
does nothing else then? Are there existing examples of proxy drivers
like this?

no idea.

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