Tim Bruijnzeels via db-wg wrote:
> Dear working group,
> We are tasked by the co-chairs on 19 October 2017 to come up with an
> implementation proposal for NWI-5.

This looks sensible overall and I'd like to see this moving forward.
Couple of things:

> object holders). Finally, there will be no more need for the
> existence of out-of-region AUT-NUM objects in the RIPE database. We
> propose that these objects will be deleted.

I would prefer this in the longer term, but some people may have
difficulties if they depend on these objects being in the ripe database.
 The same set of issues applies to aut-num objects as to route/route6
objects, so probably the same solution should be applied, i.e. mark them
all with source: RIPE-NONAUTH and let them remain there.

> 2) Flag "route:" objects for non-RIPE-managed space with "source:
> RIPE-NONAUTH" to identify non-authoritative data.

yes, finally!

> If ‘--sources' is used in queries out-of-region resources will be
> shown only if ‘RIPE-NONAUTH’ is included explicitly. If no source is
> defined we propose that both "source: RIPE" and “source:
> RIPE-NONAUTH” ROUTE(6) objects are returned. We expect that otherwise
> existing scripts used to generate filter lists will no longer see the
> out-of-region ROUTE(6) objects, and that this will lead to
> unacceptably large number of issues. Operators can opt-in to
> discarding objects that use “source: RIPE-NONAUTH” in these scripts,
> or modify them to use “--sources RIPE” explicitly.

this looks sensible.

One final issue that hasn't been addressed: should it be possible for
new objects to be created with source: RIPE-NONAUTH?  My preference
would be not, but this is something that we might want to discuss in the
working group.


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