On 06/15/2018 04:52 PM, Lu Heng via db-wg wrote:
> Ripe and Afrinic, are not “someone else”, they are part of an unified RIR
> system that adminiatrating the numbers.

The system is *not* unified. Each RIR has it's own policies, own rules,
own implementation of the database...

> As Job suggested, let’s wait RIPE their plan and future discuss the
> timeline—If Afrinic haven’t fix things by then.

I don't support this. With this approach we can also wait forever. If
some delay will be introduced, there must be exact timeline for that.
And probably we don't know, *when* AfriNIC fix it's database.

As it was mentioned already, discussion already took place. It's AfriNIC
problem now. We cannot solve problems of other RIRs in local (RIPE)
database - just because there's lack of support elsewhere. That's (among
others) also security problem. From long term perspective -
legacy/foreign data from past needs to be removed, it's a garbage here
(in RIPEdb). World around us changes and there're so many people
misusing old features for nasty things novadays.

- Daniel

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