Hi Cynthia

On Tue, 22 Feb 2022 at 21:02, Cynthia Revström <m...@cynthia.re> wrote:
> Oh right I forgot to add:
> > Why is it important to know what objects are protected from deletion?
> If it is not referenced by any resource object (directly or
> indirectly) and it is still in the DB in 3 months time, it is
> protected.
> It is just because you will not know if it is protected until it is
> deleted, so if it is not protected you will not know until it is too
> late.

On this point I would hope that if you agree this with the NCC and
they confirm to you that it is protected then you can trust the NCC.
In a worst case scenario the NCC is able to restore deleted
PERSON/ROLE objects with the same NicHdl.

co-chair DB-WG

> -Cynthia


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