
The discussion and agreement of the text for a new purpose for the
RIPE Database covering geolocation was done by the RIPE NCC and it's
executive board. They refused to publish the text in advance, didn't
announce that the board had agreed to it or that the T&C document has
been updated. I still don't understand why this had to be done so

Anyway this is the text of the new purpose from the T&C,

"Facilitating network operations by publishing geolocation information
about the usage of Internet number resources (including country,
region, city of the party to which the resources have been distributed
by the Registrants)"

Does this cover what you all wanted from the new "geofeed:" attribute?
"Facilitating network operations" suggests this information is only
for use by network operators in the management of their networks. Any
use of this geolocation information by the wider public or other
geolocation information providers is therefore not covered by this

AFAIK this change to the T&C has not yet been announced by the RIPE
NCC as required by Article 8.2. So the new purpose is not yet in

co-chair DB-WG


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