
As Maria said, we now have a new defined purpose explicitly related to
geofeed. Ed has confirmed that the prefix size restrictions have been
removed. Does anyone think there is still anything outstanding
regarding the implementation, deployment and use of geofeed? In
particular regarding NWI-13. If we hear no comments we will regard
NWI-13 as finished.

co-chair DB-WG
Everything I said above is my personal, professional opinion. It is
what I believe to be honest and true to the best of my knowledge. No
one in this industry pays me anything. I have nothing to gain or lose
by any decision. I push for what I believe is for the good of the
Internet, in some small way. Nothing I say is ever intended to be
offensive or a personal attack. Even if I strongly disagree with you
or question your motives. Politicians question each other's motives
all the time. RIPE discussion is often as much about politics and self
interest as it is technical. I have a style of writing that some may
not be familiar with, others sometimes use it against me. I also have
OCD. It makes me see the world slightly differently to others. It
drives my mind's obsessive need for detail. I can not change the way I
express my detailed opinions. People may choose how to interpret them.

On Mon, 6 Nov 2023 at 10:04, Maria Stafyla via db-wg <> wrote:
> Hello all,
> As you may have seen in the minutes from the RIPE NCC Executive Board's
> most recent meeting (on 6 October 2023), the Executive Board approved
> the amendments to the RIPE Database Terms and Conditions.
> The RIPE Database Working Group had reached consensus that the provision of
> geolocation information should be included in the list of purposes of
> the RIPE Database. Accordingly, the approved amendments to the RIPE
> Database Terms and Conditions include this new purpose and replace the
> pronouns 'he/she' with the gender-neutral singular 'they'.
> You can access the RIPE NCC Executive Board Meeting minutes at:
> And the updated RIPE Database Terms and Conditions are available at:
> In the next whois release, we will remove the prefix size validation
> rules, which we had to implement to restrict unnecessary processing of
> personal data when geolocation was not yet a defined purpose of the RIPE
> Database.
> If you have any questions, please let us know.
> Kind regards,
> Maria Stafyla
> Senior Legal Counsel
> --
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