On Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 10:10:52AM +0200, Steffen Goeldner wrote:
> perl -Mblib -MDBI -e "print for DBI->data_sources('ODBC')"
> Using C:/temp/DBI-1.38-RC2/blib
> Usage: DBD::ODBC::dr::data_sources(drh, attr = NULL) at 
> C:/temp/DBI-1.38-RC2/blib/lib/DBI.pm line 966.

Groan. I was in two minds about how to support using $dbh for
data_sources and I think the one I settled on wasn't the best.

So now, for RC3, I've gone back to Plan-A and added a $dbh->data_sources
method with a default implementation that does $dbh->{Driver}->data_sources.



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