On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 02:40:46PM +0200, H.Merijn Brand wrote:
> One of the reasons I'm still holding on to DBI-1.35 is
> Argument "" isn't numeric in null operation at 
> /pro/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/PA-RISC2.0/DBI.pm line 632.
> which is caused by attr 'Username' which is either undef or blank

I suspect the problem is in DBD::Unify. Does it happen for any other DBD's?

> for now, I've changed that to
>           foreach $a (keys %$attr) {
>               no warnings;
>               $dbh->{$a} = $attr->{$a};
>               }
> so 
> I have rewritten DBD-Unify (with pain in my heart) to replace
> $dbh->{DBDverbose} (which IMHO is a perfectly good name, and should be adopted
> by all drivers)

I have vague plans to turn the high bits of the trace level into a
bit mask to enable some specific trace features. In other words, use
the lowest 8 bits for current general use, the next 8 bits for a DBD
specific trace level, and the next 16 bits for special features.
Patches welcome! :)

> to $dbh->{uni_verbose} as the documentation requires.
> That works, but I'd like to have one intermediate release that warns if
> DBDverbose is in use. What would be the best place to do so?

Er, I'm not sure what you mean but I'd suggest the STORE that handles
the setting of the DBDverbose attribute.

> My DBD's depend on my environment, so here's the same thing twice



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