On Sun, Jan 11, 2004 at 02:32:34AM -0500, Lincoln A. Baxter wrote:
> On Sat, 2004-01-10 at 05:18, Tim Bunce wrote:
> [snip]
> > 
> > > I will share the solution when I have it figured out.  In fact, would be
> > > willing to give you a README.signals file to include in DBI docs if I
> > > get it figured out.
> > 
> > If you figure it all out I'll not only add your write up to the
> > DBI.pm pod, I'll use it as the basis for the relevant part of the
> > 2nd edition of the DBI book :-) Your name will be in lights!
> OK, I got it.  And I _will_ write it up. But in the meantime, I have a
> little module, I have written to solve this problem in a way that works
> for 5.6.x and 5.8.x transparently.  I'm thinking of
> putting up CPAN...

Yes, yes!

> I will send a message to module-authors after this
> message. Currently (for convenience I am calling this SignalHandler.pm
> (attached).  (Gotta come up with a name). It includes the beginning of
> POD, which demonstates how to use set_handler() with it defines. 

> I'm thinking of adding a timeout() function which would take a sub ref
> and a timeout value, and execute the sub with a SIGALRM timeout wrapped
> around it.  But this solves the problem raised by this thread, and which
> has prevented me from upgrading to perl 5.8 at Fleet for the last 9
> months.  I still need to test for the availability of sigaction() with
> %Config, (and perhaps), provide a signal() based implementation if
> sigaction() is not found.

It might also be worth adding some mechanism to integrate with Sys::Signal

And given the existance of Sys::Signal in the Sys:: namespace
I think it would be reasonable to call your module Sys::SigAction.
Especially if it can integrate with Sys::Signal.

> I hope this helps.

Looks like it!

> package SignalHandler;

Some suggestions...

>    use POSIX ':signal_h' ;
>    use SignalHandler qw( set_handler reset_action );
>    my $oldaction = set_handler( 'mypackage::mysubname' ,SIGINT );
>    ... do stuff non-interupt able
>    reset_action( $oldaction ,SIGINT );

The sub names set_handler and reset_action names are very generic.
I'd suggest adding a sig_ prefix to both.

I'd also suggest swapping the parameter order to make this neater:

        sig_set_handler(SIGINT, sub {

Getting more esoteric now... reset_action is just a slightly optimized
version of set_action. I think reset_action could be dropped and
set_action changed to only do POSIX::SigAction->new if not called
in a void context. (And be called sig_set_action :)


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