A second release candidate is available for testing at:


=head1 CHANGES in DBI 1.41 (svn rev 130),    22nd February 2004

  Fixed execute_for_array() so tuple_status parameter is optional
    as per docs, thanks to Ed Avis.
  Fixed execute_for_array() docs to say that it returns undef if
    any of the execute() calls fail.
  Fixed take_imp_data() test on m68k reported by Christian Hammers.
  Fixed write_typeinfo_pm inconsistencies in DBI::DBD::Metadata
    thanks to Andy Hassall.
  Fixed $h->{TraceLevel} to not return DBI->trace trace level
    which it used to if DBI->trace trace level was higher.

  Changed set_err() to append to errstr, with a leading "\n" if it's
    not empty, so that multiple error/warning messages are recorded.
  Changed trace to limit elements dumped when an array reference is
    returned from a method to the max(40, $DBI::neat_maxlen/10)
    so that fetchall_arrayref(), for example, doesn't flood the trace.
  Changed trace level to be a four bit integer (levels 0 thru 15)
    and a set of topic flags (no topics have been assigned yet).
  Changed column_info() to check argument count.
  Extended bind_param() TYPE attribute specification to imply
    standard formating of value, eg SQL_DATE implies 'YYYY-MM-DD'.

  Added way for drivers to indicate 'success with info' or 'warning'
    by setting err to "0" for warning and "" for information.
    Both values are false and so don't trigger RaiseError etc.
    Warnings (err="0") are automatically printed if PrintError is set.
    Thanks to Steffen Goeldner for the original idea.
  Added $h->{HandleSetErr} = sub { ... } to be called at the
    point that an error, warn, or info state is recorded.
    The code can alter the err, errstr, and state values
    (e.g., to promote an error to a warning, or the reverse).
  Added $h->{PrintWarn} attribute to enable printing of warnings
    recorded by the driver. Defaults to same value as $^W (perl -w).
  Added $h->{ErrCount} attribute, incremented whenever an error is
    recorded by the driver via set_err().
  Added $h->{Executed} attribute, set if do()/execute() called.
  Added \%attr parameter to foreign_key_info() method.
  Added ref count of inner handle to "DESTROY ignored for outer" msg.
  Added Win32 build config checks to DBI::DBD thanks to Andy Hassall.
  Added bind_col to Driver.xst so drivers can define their own.
  Added TYPE attribute to bind_col and specified the expected
    driver behaviour.

  Major update to signal handling docs thanks to Lincoln Baxter.
  Corrected dbiproxy usage doc thanks to Christian Hammers.
  Corrected type_info_all index hash docs thanks to Steffen Goeldner.
  Corrected type_info COLUMN_SIZE to chars not bytes thanks to Dean Arnold.
  Corrected get_info() docs to include details of DBI::Const::GetInfoType.
  Clarified that $sth->{PRECISION} is OCTET_LENGTH for char types.


The main additions since RC1 are:

+  Added $h->{PrintWarn} attribute to enable printing of warnings
+    recorded by the driver. Defaults to same value as $^W (perl -w).
+  Added $h->{ErrCount} attribute, incremented whenever an error is
+    recorded by the driver via set_err().
+  Added \%attr parameter to foreign_key_info() method.
+  Changed column_info() to check argument count.
+  Corrected type_info_all index hash docs thanks to Steffen Goeldner.

Testing on a range of platforms, perl configs and drivers would be

I'd also like driver authors to consider/try-out the new
 - dbvport.h mechanism (see DBI::DBD docs)
 - DBIc_SET_ERR_* macros
 - Recording 'success with info' (incl db messages etc) and 'warnings'
 - bind_param() TYPE attribute specification
 - bind_col() TYPE attribute specification



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