On Mon, Feb 23, 2004 at 10:48:45AM +0100, H.Merijn Brand wrote:
> On Sun 22 Feb 2004 20:29, Tim Bunce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > A second release candidate is available for testing at:
> > 
> >   http://homepage.eircom.net/~timbunce/DBI-1.41-rc2-20040222.tar.gz
> > 
> > =head1 CHANGES in DBI 1.41 (svn rev 130),    22nd February 2004
> Blead fails (5.9.1)


>  1136 NullP sth/sec on this perl 5.008    PA-RISC2.0 (10000 in 8.8 cpu+sys secs)
>  1131 NullP sth/sec on this perl 5.008003 PA-RISC2.0 (10000 in 8.8 cpu+sys secs)
>   989 NullP sth/sec on this perl 5.008003 PA-RISC2.0-LP64 (10000 in 10.1 cpu+sys 
> secs)
> 10869 NullP sth/sec on this perl 5.006001 PA-RISC2.0 (10000 in 0.9 cpu+sys secs)
>  7633 NullP sth/sec on this perl 5.008    PA-RISC2.0 (10000 in 1.3 cpu+sys secs)
>  7936 NullP sth/sec on this perl 5.008003 PA-RISC2.0 (10000 in 1.3 cpu+sys secs)
>  7874 NullP sth/sec on this perl 5.009    PA-RISC2.0 (10000 in 1.3 cpu+sys secs)
>  6944 NullP sth/sec on this perl 5.008003 PA-RISC2.0 (10000 in 1.4 cpu+sys secs)
>  6993 NullP sth/sec on this perl 5.008003 PA-RISC2.0-LP64 (10000 in 1.4 cpu+sys secs)
>  2304 NullP sth/sec on this perl 5.006001 PA-RISC2.0 (10000 in 4.3 cpu+sys secs)
>  2136 NullP sth/sec on this perl 5.008    PA-RISC2.0 (10000 in 4.7 cpu+sys secs)
>  2304 NullP sth/sec on this perl 5.009    PA-RISC2.0 (10000 in 4.3 cpu+sys secs)
>  2105 NullP sth/sec on this perl 5.008003 PA-RISC2.0 (10000 in 4.7 cpu+sys secs)
>  2197 NullP sth/sec on this perl 5.006001 aix (10000 in 4.5 cpu+sys secs)
>  2288 NullP sth/sec on this perl 5.008    aix (10000 in 4.4 cpu+sys secs)
>  2369 NullP sth/sec on this perl 5.008003 aix (10000 in 4.2 cpu+sys secs)
> 17857 NullP sth/sec on this perl 5.008001 i586-linux-thread-multi (10000 in 0.6 
> cpu+sys secs)
> 24390 NullP sth/sec on this perl 5.008003 i686-linux-64int (10000 in 0.4 cpu+sys 
> secs)
>  5282 NullP sth/sec on this perl 5.008002 cygwin-thread-multi-64int (10000 in 1.9 
> cpu+sys secs)

That's a big range of speeds! Are all the big differences explainable?
(different hardware, compiler options etc)

> ==============================================================================
> - HP-UX 11.00             perl-5.9.1               HP C-ANSI-C
> a5:/pro/3gl/CPAN/DBI-1.41 113 > /pro/bin/perl5.9.1 -Iblib/lib -Iblib/arch 
> t/41prof_dump.t

> not ok 6
> # Test 6 got: '1.0.0' (t/41prof_dump.t at line 55)
> #   Expected: '1.0'
> #  t/41prof_dump.t line 55 is: ok($1, $DBI::ProfileDumper::VERSION);

Groan. 5.9.1 is being, er, clever with version numbers.
I'll grab bleadperl take a look. Meanwhile, this'll probably work:

--- t/41prof_dump.t     (revision 56)
+++ t/41prof_dump.t     (working copy)
@@ -51,8 +51,9 @@
 # has a header?
 ok($prof =~ /^DBI::ProfileDumper\s+([\d.]+)/);

-# version matches VERSION?
-ok($1, $DBI::ProfileDumper::VERSION);
+# version matches VERSION? (DBI::ProfileDumper uses $self->VERSION so
+# it's a stringified version object that looks like N.N.N)
+ok($1, DBI::ProfileDumper->VERSION);

 # check that expected key is there
 ok($prof =~ /\+\s+1\s+\Q$sql\E/m);


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