> On Mon, 2004-02-23 at 14:36, Jeff Urlwin wrote:
> > > Which raises another issue: at present DBD::Teradata allocates a 
> > > $row
> > array with a size equal to the sum of the number of > 
> columns for each 
> > statement. I've tried adjusting the NUM_OF_FIELDS on the fly to 
> > represent just the number of fields for >  > the current statement, 
> > but DBI carps. And of course, it presents some issues for providing 
> > statement metadata. Any chance > the more_results() work 
> will provide 
> > a more elegant solution ?
> > 
> > Actually, check out DBD::ODBC.  If you need help, let me 
> know, but I 
> > did do some hacks that I got from DBD:Sybase which clears out 
> > NUM_OF_FIELDS, etc...
> Looks like we've all borrowed from one another in this respect :-)
> And yes - there's quite a bit of hackery going on...

And yes, I think we all agree that it's time for the DBI to specify this, so
others don't go through the same pain ;)

I'm not sure what the approach should be from here on, but documentation of
some DBI spec and some DBI helper functions to reset the cached attributes
would be a start.  I can volunteer for some of it, but I certainly do not
feel that I'm the expert covering all databases ;)



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