On Fri, Oct 22, 2004 at 09:00:23AM -0700, Tim Howell wrote:
> Just a quick note to let everyone know that I haven't dropped off the
> face of the planet and am, indeed working on DBD::Proxy.  I got slammed
> by a couple of projects on my return from OSCON and the programming side
> of my job was pushed to the back burner for some time.  That said, I'm
> now actively working on the code and hope to have release-ready code in
> the next couple of weeks.

Great. Thanks Tim.

> Here are the items I've currently got on the list:
> 1.  Better support for dead connections.  In our setup we have
> applications running with Apache::DBI on linux that need to connect to a
> ProxyServer running on Win2K.  Currently, if the ProxyServer dies for
> any reason, and then the application attempts to query it using an
> already established connection, the application dies.  I think better
> behavior would be for an automatic reconnect to be attempted, and, if
> that fails, for the application to die.  As I'm writing this, though, I
> wonder if it would be better to have the application itself eval a quick
> test of the dbh returned from DBI->connect and do the reconnect there if
> there are problems.  I'm certainly open to feedback on this.

By default it should simply cause the DBI method to fail via $h->set_err(...).

Optionally it could support auto-retry *if* AutoCommit is off. But the
docs should warn about silent loss of any locks the app may have had.


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