Hi Tim managed to do a few quick tests with DBI-1.49 on windows here are my

Windows 2000 Professions with
MS Visual C++ toolkit,
Windows Platforem SDK,
Microsoft .net framework 1.1 SDK,
Avtive Perl Ver 5.8.7 B815 (Perl 5.6001),

1) The Makefile.PL compiled with only a warning about my version of perl
being too old.
2) "nmake" ran without incident
3) "nmake test" ran but gave some warnings such as

        all skipped: this MSWin32 perl 5.006001 not configured to support
        all skipped: Requires perl 5.8

4) "nmake install" ran without problems
5) I also recompiled oracle-DBD without incident
6) I then ran some Perl test scipts that use DBI and DBD and they all ran
correctly though they only do simple fetches.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tim Bunce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <dbi-dev@perl.org>
Cc: "Tim Bunce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2005 8:07 PM
Subject: ANNOUNCE: DBI 1.49 release candidate

>   http://dbi.demonweb.co.uk/public/DBI-1.49.tar.gz
> =head2 Changes in DBI 1.49 (svn rev 2283),   28th November 2005
>   Fixed assorted attribute handling bugs in DBD::Proxy.
>   Fixed croak() in DBD::NullP thanks to Sergey Skvortsov.
>   Fixed handling of take_imp_data() and dbi_imp_data attribute.
>   Fixed bugs in DBD::DBM thanks to Jeff Zucker.
>   Fixed bug in DBI::ProfileDumper thanks to Sam Tregar.
>   Fixed ping in DBD::Proxy thanks to George Campbell.
>   Fixed dangling ref in $sth after parent $dbh destroyed
>     with thanks to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for the bug report #13151
>   Fixed prerequisites to include Storable thanks to Michael Schwern.
>   Fixed $dbh->take_imp_data to be more practical.
>   Change to require perl 5.6.1 (as advertised in 2003) not 5.6.0.
>   Changed internals to be more strictly coded thanks to Andy Lester.
>   Changed warning about multiple copies of Driver.xst found in @INC
>     to ignore duplicated directories thanks to Ed Avis.
>   Changed Driver.xst to enable drivers to define an dbd_st_prepare_sv
>     function where the statement parameter is an SV. That enables
>     compiled drivers to support SQL strings that are UTF-8.
>   Changed "use DBI" to only set $DBI::connect_via if not already set.
>   Changed docs to clarify pre-method clearing of err values.
>   Added $sth->{ParamTypes} specification thanks to Dean Arnold.
>   Added $h->{Callbacks} attribute to enable code hooks to be invoked
>     when certain methods are called. For example:
>     $dbh->{Callbacks}->{prepare} = sub { ... };
>     With thanks to David Wheeler for the kick start.
>   Added $h->{ChildHandles} (using weakrefs) thanks to Sam Tregar
>     I've recoded it in C so there's no significant performance impact.
>   Added $h->{Type} docs (returns 'dr', 'db', or 'st')
>   Adding trace message in DESTROY if InactiveDestroy enabled.
>   Ported DBI::ProfileDumper::Apache to mod_perl2 RC5+
>     thanks to Philip M. Golluci
> =cut
> I'd appreciate some testing. Especially on Perl 5.6 and Windows.
> Thanks!
> Tim.

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