On Tue, Jan 17, 2006 at 12:00:31PM +0100, H.Merijn Brand wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Jan 2006 09:54:53 +0000, Tim Bunce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Tue, Jan 17, 2006 at 10:06:36AM +0100, H.Merijn Brand wrote:
> > > 
> > > I also suggest to make a new sub-folder with the examples of all the
> > > config.sh's, perl -V lists and Makefiles as separate files. Not only that
> > > makes it easier to copy/alter these files for personal use, but also
> > > shortens the documentation, and causes less clutter for people not
> > > interested in the already outdated examples.
> > 
> > Good idea. Looks like you're doing a great job so I'm happy to go with
> > whatever you'd recommend. HP-UX users (not me) may have specific suggestions
> > but I'll let you make the decisions on this one.
> Since it has no real hurry, and I'm a bit short in time, I'd like to get some
> more comment on this here, and then I think I can volunteer to come up with a
> patch that does so for all README's that include examples like the above
> The question then would be what a logical name would be
> - config-files     - code_snippets
> - example-files    - miscelanious
> - README-files     - files
> If this were to be only for the README support, I'd choose README-files, and
> then make files like hpux-11.23-5.8.8-gcc-Makefile-1,
> hpux-10.20-5.6.0-cc-perl-V, etc
> But where does that end? Does it have to include all versions of OS, perl,
> DBI, DBD-Oracle? Does every file name have to reflect the compiler used?
> Or do we make hpux-Makefile-1, hpux-Makefile-2, aix-config.sh-1, etc and make
> a README or INDEX file that makes a two line description per file, or a
> matrix or ...

Woha! Let's not over-engineer this but just aim for baby steps that move
us along in the right direction. One OS at a time.

The problems that READMEs address naturally tend to be nasty and not
well suited to a regular structure.  We should aim to just help the
humans help themselves.

Having README.hpux.txt containing an overview and referring to specific 
README-files/hpux/* files for further details on specific issues
seems like a good plan.


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