Henri Asseily wrote:

On a slightly different topic, I noticed yesterday that DBD::mysql still doesn't have support for multiple statements (and result sets). There's a patch out there that I applied and that seems to work, but having also been using DBD::Sybase's multiple return set technique extensively, I wonder if we shouldn't bake into DBI a framework for returning multiple result sets.

Right now, the mysql patch that I talked about expects you to know how many result sets are coming back, and do "while fetchrow..." on them (or wrap that and trap an error), while DBD::Sybase expects code like:
            do {
                while($d = $sth->fetch) {
                   ... do something with the data
            } while($sth->{syb_more_results});

Would there be a good reason not to request a certain standard behavior from the multiple DBDs out there that support multiple statements/result sets?



Please see the latest 3.0006_1 branch via SVN (which will be released to CPAN tonight). It has support for multiple result sets, and even now includes examples of how to use them.

Kind regards,


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