It would appear this problem and possibly other leaks are attracting quite a 
lot of attention now. Someone else just posted another cpan rating mentioning 
leaks at:

I narrowed down one of the problems (below) but it is beyond me now - sorry.

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Limited

On 13/01/11 18:53, Martin J. Evans wrote:
I briefly looked at the DBD::Pg rt ticket and I'm not sure this is a bug 
in DBD::Pg and think it might be in DBI. Since ShowErrorStatement set causes 
the leak and unset the leak goes away I isolated it to some code in DBI.xs:

if ( DBIc_has(imp_xxh, DBIcf_ShowErrorStatement)
&& !is_unrelated_to_Statement
&& (DBIc_TYPE(imp_xxh) == DBIt_ST || ima_flags & IMA_SHOW_ERR_STMT)
&& (statement_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(h), "Statement", 9, 0))
&& statement_svp && SvOK(*statement_svp)
) {
SV **svp = 0;
sv_catpv(msg, " [for Statement \"");
sv_catsv(msg, *statement_svp);

/* fetch from tied outer handle to trigger FETCH magic */
/* could add DBIcf_ShowErrorParams (default to on?) */
if (!(ima_flags & IMA_HIDE_ERR_PARAMVALUES)) {
svp = hv_fetch((HV*)DBIc_MY_H(imp_xxh),"ParamValues",11,FALSE);
if (svp && SvMAGICAL(*svp))
mg_get(*svp); /* XXX may recurse, may croak. could use eval */
if (svp && SvRV(*svp) && SvTYPE(SvRV(*svp)) == SVt_PVHV && HvKEYS(SvRV(*svp))>0 
) {
SV *param_values_sv = sv_2mortal(_join_hash_sorted((HV*)SvRV(*svp), "=",1, ", 
",2, 1, -1));
sv_catpv(msg, "\" with ParamValues: ");
sv_catsv(msg, param_values_sv);
sv_catpvn(msg, "]", 1);
else {
sv_catpv(msg, "\"]");

I was suspicious about _join_hash_sorted but it appears if you just take 

If you just take THIS_ONE_STOPS_LEAK (which obviously also takes out the other 
2) the leak goes away.

I've not duplicated the problem with any other DBDs as yet but I'm running the 
exact code in the RT.

I've no idea as yet what the actual problem is.

I was running Perl 5.10.1 on Linux (32bit) but no one who has tried this yet 
(on multiple Perls in Linux) has failed to see the issue.

With THIS_ONE_STOPS_LEAK defined I get:

martin@bragi:/tmp/DBD-Pg-2.17.2$ perl -I blib/lib -I blib/arch
Cycles: 2000 Proc size: 13700K
Cycles: 4000 Proc size: 13700K
Cycles: 6000 Proc size: 13700K
Cycles: 8000 Proc size: 13700K
Cycles: 10000 Proc size: 13700K
Cycles: 12000 Proc size: 13700K
Cycles: 14000 Proc size: 13700K
Cycles: 16000 Proc size: 13700K
Cycles: 18000 Proc size: 13700K

and a stock DBI from trunk) I get:

martin@bragi:/tmp/DBD-Pg-2.17.2$ perl -I blib/lib -I blib/arch
Cycles: 2000 Proc size: 16792K
Cycles: 4000 Proc size: 19892K
Cycles: 6000 Proc size: 22980K
Cycles: 8000 Proc size: 26200K
Cycles: 10000 Proc size: 29296K
Cycles: 12000 Proc size: 32376K
Cycles: 14000 Proc size: 35472K
Cycles: 16000 Proc size: 38692K
Cycles: 18000 Proc size: 41796K


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