On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 05:59:34PM +0000, Martin J. Evans wrote:
> It would appear this problem and possibly other leaks are attracting quite a 
> lot of attention now. Someone else just posted another cpan rating mentioning 
> leaks at:
>  http://cpanratings.perl.org/dist/DBD-Pg#8254
> I narrowed down one of the problems (below) but it is beyond me now - sorry.

Using perl 5.12.2 I couldn't reproduce it with:

    perl -MDBI -we '$a = DBI::_concat_hash_sorted({1..10000},"=",",",1,1) while 

nor with:

    perl -Mblib -MDBI -we 
'$sth=DBI->connect("dbi:NullP:",0,0,{ShowErrorStatement=>1})->prepare("ERROR 1 
err"); $sth->execute(1..10000) while 1' 2> /dev/null

The ticket says "Other DBI drivers do not seem to leak" so I suspect the
leak is in DBD::Pg's dbd_st_FETCH_attrib function (in dbdimp.c) where it
handles the ParamValues attribute by constructing a hash. (That's called
from DBI.xs by the mg_get(*svp);)

I've no time to dig deeper, sorry. (I'll copy the above to the ticket.)


> Martin
> -- 
> Martin J. Evans
> Easysoft Limited
> http://www.easysoft.com
> On 13/01/11 18:53, Martin J. Evans wrote:
> >I briefly looked at the DBD::Pg rt ticket 
> >https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=60863 and I'm not sure this is a 
> >bug in DBD::Pg and think it might be in DBI. Since ShowErrorStatement set 
> >causes the leak and unset the leak goes away I isolated it to some code in 
> >DBI.xs:
> >
> >if ( DBIc_has(imp_xxh, DBIcf_ShowErrorStatement)
> >&& !is_unrelated_to_Statement
> >&& (DBIc_TYPE(imp_xxh) == DBIt_ST || ima_flags & IMA_SHOW_ERR_STMT)
> >&& (statement_svp = hv_fetch((HV*)SvRV(h), "Statement", 9, 0))
> >&& statement_svp && SvOK(*statement_svp)
> >) {
> >SV **svp = 0;
> >sv_catpv(msg, " [for Statement \"");
> >sv_catsv(msg, *statement_svp);
> >
> >/* fetch from tied outer handle to trigger FETCH magic */
> >/* could add DBIcf_ShowErrorParams (default to on?) */
> >if (!(ima_flags & IMA_HIDE_ERR_PARAMVALUES)) {
> >svp = hv_fetch((HV*)DBIc_MY_H(imp_xxh),"ParamValues",11,FALSE);
> >if (svp && SvMAGICAL(*svp))
> >mg_get(*svp); /* XXX may recurse, may croak. could use eval */
> >}
> >#endif
> >if (svp && SvRV(*svp) && SvTYPE(SvRV(*svp)) == SVt_PVHV && 
> >HvKEYS(SvRV(*svp))>0 ) {
> >SV *param_values_sv = sv_2mortal(_join_hash_sorted((HV*)SvRV(*svp), "=",1, 
> >", ",2, 1, -1));
> >#endif
> >sv_catpv(msg, "\" with ParamValues: ");
> >sv_catsv(msg, param_values_sv);
> >#endif
> >sv_catpvn(msg, "]", 1);
> >}
> >else {
> >sv_catpv(msg, "\"]");
> >}
> >}
> >
> >I was suspicious about _join_hash_sorted but it appears if you just take 
> >
> >If you just take THIS_ONE_STOPS_LEAK (which obviously also takes out the 
> >other 2) the leak goes away.
> >
> >I've not duplicated the problem with any other DBDs as yet but I'm running 
> >the exact code in the RT.
> >
> >I've no idea as yet what the actual problem is.
> >
> >I was running Perl 5.10.1 on Linux (32bit) but no one who has tried this yet 
> >(on multiple Perls in Linux) has failed to see the issue.
> >
> >With THIS_ONE_STOPS_LEAK defined I get:
> >
> >martin@bragi:/tmp/DBD-Pg-2.17.2$ perl -I blib/lib -I blib/arch leak.pl
> >Cycles: 2000 Proc size: 13700K
> >Cycles: 4000 Proc size: 13700K
> >Cycles: 6000 Proc size: 13700K
> >Cycles: 8000 Proc size: 13700K
> >Cycles: 10000 Proc size: 13700K
> >Cycles: 12000 Proc size: 13700K
> >Cycles: 14000 Proc size: 13700K
> >Cycles: 16000 Proc size: 13700K
> >Cycles: 18000 Proc size: 13700K
> >
> >and a stock DBI from trunk) I get:
> >
> >martin@bragi:/tmp/DBD-Pg-2.17.2$ perl -I blib/lib -I blib/arch leak.pl
> >Cycles: 2000 Proc size: 16792K
> >Cycles: 4000 Proc size: 19892K
> >Cycles: 6000 Proc size: 22980K
> >Cycles: 8000 Proc size: 26200K
> >Cycles: 10000 Proc size: 29296K
> >Cycles: 12000 Proc size: 32376K
> >Cycles: 14000 Proc size: 35472K
> >Cycles: 16000 Proc size: 38692K
> >Cycles: 18000 Proc size: 41796K
> >
> >Martin
> >

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