You will have to give us the DBD::Oracle version as well.

ORA-12514 is TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in 
connect descriptor

so I sort of suspect that you lintener and or service is not set up correctly  
to handle the language or the DB is in one languae and the clinet is trying to 
connect with another

These sort of problems can be fixed with the 'ora_charset, ora_ncharset' flags 
at connection time

Do a connect with the attribute dbd_verbose=>15

and that should dump what the client and DBs language code is.


> Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2012 16:31:36 +0400
> Subject: dbi 1.622 with Turkish locale fails to connect to Oracle
> From:
> To:
> Hi guys
> I've installed dbi 1.622 on my test system. My simplest script connects to
> oracle and does simple select.
> It works with UK, US, RU and LT locales, but for some reason failes with
> Turkish (LANG=tr_TR.iso88599)
> It failes with message: ORA-12514 (DBD ERROR: OCIServerAttach)
> I also saw a warning in DBI build log
> *** Your LANG environment variable is set to 'en_GB.UTF-8'
> *** This may cause problems for some perl installations.
> *** If you get test failures, please try again with LANG unset.
> *** If that then works, please email with details
> *** including the output of 'perl -V'
> *** You are using a perl configured with threading enabled.
> *** You should be aware that using multiple threads is
> *** not recommended for production environments.
> Is this critical ?
> Thanks
> Sergey                                          

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