On 28/09/2013 17:01, Tim Bunce wrote:
On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 09:12:09AM +0100, Martin J. Evans wrote:
On 26/09/13 23:29, Tim Bunce wrote:

I'm expecting that one of the side-effects of DBIT will be a great
improvement in support for get_info by drivers. That'll be a win for all.

It definitely is a win. I can't even begin to tell you the pain I had
writing DBD neutral code just for ODBC, Oracle, DB2, mysql and
postgres. We persevered for some time but ended up with so much of the
class methods overridden we ended up with effectively 5 different
applications - although it did not look like it from the front. Once
you include the SQL as well - it really is not fun and although I
don't use DBIx::Class myself, it must be quite a piece of code. It
will be so much nicer to do:

if ($h->get_info(parameters_need_colons)) {
   do this
} else {
   do this


if ($h->{driver} eq 'Oracle' || $h->{driver} eq 'postres') blah blah

So, Martin, would you be interested in starting a little side-project
to propose an extension to the DBI spec for get_info()?

yes, of course.

It's likely that DBIT will feed into that work, but there's clearly a
need beyond DBIT and you've clearly got (painful) experience to draw on :)

so true.

I suggest drawing up a list of things you'd like get_info to provide
info about (as you did informally in a recent email) then compare that
list with the those provided by the ANSI/ODBC standard to see which are
already covered.

will do.

Somewhat independant of that, I'd like to identify a set of get_info
items that we recommend all drivers define.


I've added it to my TO_DO list. By all means pester me is you hear nothing.

Martin J. Evans
Wetherby, UK

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