On Thu, 10 Oct 2013 09:19:52 +0100, "Martin J. Evans"
<martin.ev...@easysoft.com> wrote:

> On 09/10/13 18:49, Michiel Beijen wrote:
> > DBI states that DBD drivers should provide a Bundle::DBD::Foo to
> > leverage the CPAN 'Bundle'  mechanism. (ref:
> > https://metacpan.org/module/DBI::DBD#lib-Bundle-DBD-Driver.pm)
> >
> > As a result many of the DBD driver distributions - such as DBD::Pg,
> > DBD::mysql, DBD::CSV - provide such a Bundle. Note that DBD::ODBC and
> > DBD::Oracle do not have a corresponding Bundle.
> >
> > However the Bundle mechanism, which is described at
> > https://metacpan.org/module/CPAN#Bundles - is deprecated; dependencies
> > for DBD drivers can be correctly specified in Makefile.PL, Build.PL
> > and/or dist.ini
> >
> > I brought this issue up on #dbi, was pointed to #toolchain , asked
> > there and they confirmed my assumption that the Bundle:: modules don't
> > serve any purpose; or at least not anymore, and probably for a *very*
> > long time already.
> >
> > It could be that people 'depend' on a Bundle module so I think we
> > should not remove existing bundles.
> >
> > my proposal is:
> >
> >   - Remove the section from DBI documentation that states a DBD should
> > have a Bundle
> >   - Update the text in the existing Bundles, which now typically reads
> > someting along the lines of "This bundle includes all that is needed
> > to connect with a MySQL server using DBI." to "This file exists for
> > historical reasons."
> >
> > Feedback very welcome!
> > --
> > Mike
> >
> I've never used bundles myself and certainly never produced one for DBD::ODBC.
> I never liked the text "This bundle includes all that is needed to connect 
> with a MySQL server using DBI" since it is not true, you need a mysql client 
> library too.
> With dependencies in modules I don't see why they are necessary any more.
> As such, your proposal sounds ok to me.

In which case removing the Bundle from the distribution (I keep the
required versions updated in the CSV bundle) should also imply an
action to remove the Bundle from CPAN, as otherwise people that still
install the bundle will get OLD versions installed.

I just have the Bundle in the DBD as it was there when I took over

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