On Tuesday 29 August 2017 22:08:09 Dan Book wrote:
> Though the reversion was made with good intentions of preserving back
> compat in the short term, it was accompanied by a promise of reapplying the
> many important fixes that were reverted (
> https://github.com/perl5-dbi/DBD-mysql/compare/4.041...4.042 ) as well as
> re-adding a correct utf8 encoding option, as it is still necessary to fix
> this broken behavior one way or another. Since nothing has happened,
> forking may be the only reasonable option. We are currently version pinned
> to 4.042 as "upgrading" to 4.043 would be a massive regression in our
> codebase.
> -Dan

Ok, I understood Dan's email as there are already users who cannot
upgrade to the last DBD::mysql version (where revert happened) as it
contains bugs...

And due to big silent, I would say that DBD::mysql is really dead.

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