On Wed, 28 Mar 2001, Dexter Coehlo wrote:

> The reason for using Perl I thought was because I thougt PHP was like ASP
> which was a technology with some tags to put another language code like
> perl into but I learned it is a language in itself.

I thinking trying to embed PHP and and Perl (via Mason, embPerl, et al)
would be a bad idea, because a handler would need to parse the file for
each language (yes, PHP is a language), so each file would get parsed
twice.  This would be horribly inefficient.  I have done sites that had
separate pages as PHP and Perl CGI, but not on the same page.

At any rate, PHP and CGI stuff is really off-topic for this list.

-- Brett
It is a wise father that knows his own child.
                -- William Shakespeare, "The Merchant of Venice"

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