
I've got an problem develloping a research tool...

Well, using quote param ($dbh->quote (string); )...

I would like to get juste that :

But using that one it's return :

How to cancel the ' and ' at the top of the return string and at the end ?

Just for information I do a LIKE reuquest :

$dbh->prepare("SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE fore LIKE '%". $dbh->quote( 
$string ). "%'";

Thanks, I think that I'm explicit ?
If you can't understand what I mean, well I suck :/


 Nicolas  JOURDEN - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - #41100039 - +33 0681940905
 http://www.wedoo.com/   - La Nouvelle Facon de Surfer...
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 Programmeur, Integrateur  | Perl, CGI, Mysql/PostgreSQL, HTML, Design

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