> Hi Sumit,
 > The databases are both microsoft sql. As you say it looks like DBI does not
 > support what I would like to do when the tables are in different databases.
 > I will just have to continue what I have right now which is read in from
 > one, store in a hash and the use the hash keys to query the second database.
 > the only problem with this is that it ran a little slow and I felt getting
 > SQL to do this compare would be faster.Thanks any way 

Are they in different databases, or different servers?

If the former you can do it at the sql level.

Also, doesn't MS-SQL support some sort of proxy tables? I know that
with Sybase you can define a proxy table on a remote server and query
it as if it's a local table. It's not necessarily *fast*, but at least
the functionality is there.


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