On Thu, 10 May 2001, Dave VanAuken wrote:

> Radius authentication scenario...  radius polls out to a perl script
> which checks against the postgres database for authentic
> information...
> we need to do an additional call out to a PHP file (sending it args if
> it cannot read the env[] args) and have its "text" output parsed into
> a variable...
> this will allow the perl script to determine if the DBI information
> and the PHP script information create a Success or Failure code which
> can be passed back to the radius program in the form of an
>       exit $ret;
> normally I would say just pump it all into the PHP script and run it
> as a shell script, but the radius daemon is waiting for an exit code
> to be passed after the perl script completes, and PHP cannot do that,
> thus the perl DBI solution.

Why not just rewrite the PHP script as Perl?  Is it a web page?

-- Brett
Elevators smell different to midgets.

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