I use DBD::ODBC with Easysoft ODBC bridge to connect SQL server 6.5 from
Linux. I have a stored procedure that is supposed to return several fields.
It only returns the first field of my result set. I searched the archive of
this mailing list and haven't found some encouraging news. 
The book of "Programming the Perl DBI" (pp 296) mentioned stored procedure
can be called using "{?= call procedure_name(?,?)}" but then said "DBD::ODBC
currently does not support output parameter". Doesn't that mean I can NOT
use that method? I tried but failed. I tried both escape method like {call
procedure_name} and direct run  as "exec procedure_name", same result.
The same book mentioned in several places (like pp 223) that fetchrow_array
returns the value of the first field if used "in a scalar context". I am not
sure about this "scalar context", is this something related to my problem
about the stored procedure? 
Does any one has a clue? Thanks  a lot in advance.

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