>-----Original Message-----
>From: Christine Kluka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2001 1:29 AM
>To: Rudy Lippan
>Cc: Ronald J Kimball; Chase Michael A.; Neil Lunn; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Subject: Re: DBI Connect Failure
>I'm studying the DBI module to get smarter on this.  I was not able to
>complete installation on the Pg module (I have 
>pg95perl5-1.2.0), because
Don't know exactly what this is but it sure isn't anything to do with DBI

>I couldn't find Pg.pm modules in the right places.  Tried to reinstall,
>but it failed on make because libpq.so.1 is missing from
>usr/local/pgsql/lib. Tried checking www.cpan.org today to make 

That's the Postrgress client interface module. Not part of Perl. Check your
Postgress installation, but the chances are that this file is actually
located elsewhere in your system than /usr/local.

As for CPAN, this is mirrored all around the world. You really should be
using the cpan shell with your nearest mirror. See the comments on perldoc

>sure that
>I have the correct Pg module, but it was down.
>So naturally the database connection for DBI/DBD::Pg failed, but at
>least this time I connected to DBI.pm, w/ response "can't locate
>DBD/Pg.pm in @INC."
>I have DBD installed, but I didn't set the environment variables for
>DBI_DSN, DBI_USER, DBI_PASS and ODBCHOME when I installed it, 
>and I only
>know 2 out of the 4 anyway. Again, more studying.

That doesn't sound like DBD::Pg to me but more like DBD::ODBC.
>I got no errors on the PgSQL.pm install, so it would be easier 
>for me to
>use that, presuming I can get DBD running correctly.  
>Tried using perl documentation, but got only the usage index.  I can't
>run perldoc, because I get a warning: Superuser must not run ~/perldoc
>without security audit and taint checks.

You really should have your own account that is not root (or uid 0).Running
your shell as the superuser all day may not be a very safe idea. Perhaps you
should review your security settings and possibly use a utility such as

>I have a colleague who's betting this is a total waste of time, given
>the ignorance I've just demonstrated.  But as long as I do the other
>stuff I'm supposed to be doing, trying this out still beats learning MS
>Thanks all of you for the tips!
>Rudy Lippan wrote:
>> Christine,
>> >
>> > However I still can't connect to my sample Postgres database.
>> >
>> >From the code you posted, it does not look like you are 
>using DBI, but
>> rather PgSQL. You would probably be far better off using 
>DBI, for PgSQL is
>> considered 'alpha quality' || at least that is what the README on
>> CPAN says.
>> If you have DBI/DBD::Pg installed, try this:
>> use DBI;
>> my $dbh = DBI->connect('DBI:Pg:dbname=mydb','','') || die 
>> Later,
>> Rudy

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