On Tue, Aug 14, 2001 at 04:45:10PM +0200, Ton Verhagen wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am experiencing some problems installing DBI-1.19 on a clean RH7.1 system 
> running perl-5.6.1

> make: *** No rule to make target `blib/arch/auto/DBI/Driver.xst', needed by 
> `Perl.xsi'.  Stop.
> make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....

That's a clue.

> cp Driver.xst blib/arch/auto/DBI/Driver.xst

That's a clue.

>    /usr/bin/make -j3 -- NOT OK

And that (-j3) is probably a bad idea, in general.


p.s. The README explicitly stats that you should send email to the
list, not me.

p.p.s. If you know what you're doing enough to be using -j3 on builds
then you could try debugging the problem so make doesn't make that
mistake (patches welcome). But if you can't debug it then you're much
better off not using -j3.

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