Hello all:
Just a quick question concerning putting images in a database-
I want to add a field for images within my mysql database: how should I
go about doing this?
I have tried 
ADD(proj_img blob binary);
...to no avail. What is the correct syntax?
Also, is this even a good idea? Would it be better to just store a link
to an image within another directory? The images contained within should
be under 100k.

Heres the existing target table:
Database metonym_metonym - table project
Field   Type    Attributes      Null    Default Extra
proj_id         int(3)          No       auto_increment 
fk_user_name    varchar(20)             No               
proj_title      varchar(70)             Yes              
proj_abstract   text            Yes              
init_date       datetime                Yes              

Keyname Unique  Field
PRIMARY Yes     proj_id

¤       ( > ) http://www.metonym.org          ¤  
¤       ( ? ) Metonym Arts Collective         ¤  
¤       ( & ) Launching Late Sept 2001        ¤ 
¤       ( + ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]             ¤

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