Hi!  I'm a new user of PERL and I'm trying to write a script to give me a
condensed list of file permissions of an NTFS file system.  For example, if
I have a folder named E:\, with a hundred subfolders (and so on), I'd like
to get a list of subfolder names with their associated permissions (ACLs).
If possible, I'd like to leav out duplicates.  For example, if E:\temp has
subfolders going down five levels, but each of the subfolders of E:\temp has
the same permissions as E:\temp, then I want the script to just give me the
permisions on the E:\temp folder.  I tried using the find2perl -exec cacls
{} \; command to generate a script for me to modify, but I'm getting
problems with it (and I'm running out of time).

I've search CPAN's Scripts section but couldn't find anything.  If someone
can point me to alternative archives where I could search I'd appreciate it.
Or if you have a script that does this, even better.  Thanks a lot in

Best regards,
<-- Making IT happen! -->
Edmund Nigel Gall
Senior Information Systems Specialist
Industrial Plant Services Limited
Atlantic Avenue, Point Lisas Industrial Estate
Point Lisas, Couva, Trinidad & Tobago, W.I.
Tel: (868) 679-2435 x 274  Fax: (868) 636-2538, 679-3770

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