this isn't ontopic for the dbi-list try perl friends or something like


On Fri, 2 Nov 2001, Nigel Gall wrote:

> Hi!  I'm a new user of PERL and I'm trying to write a script to give me a
> condensed list of file permissions of an NTFS file system.  For example, if
> I have a folder named E:\, with a hundred subfolders (and so on), I'd like
> to get a list of subfolder names with their associated permissions (ACLs).
> If possible, I'd like to leav out duplicates.  For example, if E:\temp has
> subfolders going down five levels, but each of the subfolders of E:\temp has
> the same permissions as E:\temp, then I want the script to just give me the
> permisions on the E:\temp folder.  I tried using the find2perl -exec cacls
> {} \; command to generate a script for me to modify, but I'm getting
> problems with it (and I'm running out of time).
> I've search CPAN's Scripts section but couldn't find anything.  If someone
> can point me to alternative archives where I could search I'd appreciate it.
> Or if you have a script that does this, even better.  Thanks a lot in
> advance!
> Best regards,
> <-- Making IT happen! -->
> Edmund Nigel Gall
> Senior Information Systems Specialist
> Industrial Plant Services Limited
> Atlantic Avenue, Point Lisas Industrial Estate
> Point Lisas, Couva, Trinidad & Tobago, W.I.
> Tel: (868) 679-2435 x 274  Fax: (868) 636-2538, 679-3770

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